Hey! Welcome to Eila Impressions

Hey! Welcome to Eila Impressions

It's pronounced EYE-lah, by the way. :)

We're committed to producing welcoming content to offer you hope, companionship and encouragement for life's journey. From merch to our inaugural book (launching later this fall) to blog content and even a podcast, we're here to encourage you to grow in your faith journey and to point everyone toward Jesus as the only source of hope.

Our branded merch is designed with the Eila logo, featuring a flourishing, sturdy tree growing from the Bible. Whether you choose a water bottle, t-shirt, journal or other items, we hope they'll remind you to stand firm amid the storms of life each time you use them.

Our Naturals Collection features original photography to focus our minds on the beauty of nature and the One who created it.


Type over pink background: Coming Soon, Stay Tuned at DawnTolbert.com

Stay tuned for updates on the release of the first book in our Faith Impressions line. I'd Rather Die than Obey by our Chief Creative Officer Dawn Tolbert is releasing later this fall.

An independent author Dawn shares her faith journey and encourages frazzled women to break free from striving and unwrap God's gift of rest. Here's an excerpt from the website:

Ever feel frazzled? I know I do! If I’m not intentionally and prayerfully mindful, I can get so wrapped up in working, caring for my home, trying to be a good family member and friend – not to mention taking care of myself and others. Before long, I’m an anxious mess, exhausted from striving so hard. Stress binds tightly around me and makes it feel almost impossible to love others well and be creative. But I’m so thankful to have a friend named Jesus who calls me to a better way.

Read more at DawnTolbert.com and be sure to sign up for Dawn's mailing list.

The Unwrapping Rest Podcast with Dawn Tolbert - author in a park

Have more time to listen? Hop over to PodBean and following the Unwrapping Rest Podcast

You'll also find Dawn on Instagram and follow Dawn Tolbert - Writer on Facebook.



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